A just and sustainable economic model for Belarus

Belarus has an extremely worrying track record with regards to the work environment of independent trade unions. Especially the developments since 2020 have been alarming – the situation is now among the worst worldwide. Accordingly, workers are officially only represented by unions that are loyal to the ruling forces and do not voice any kind of far-reaching systematic criticism vis-à-vis state representatives. There is no possibility to officially represent workers through a free and independent structure anymore. Some top leaders of independent unions have been in jail since 2022. Others have left the country and are representing Belarusian workers’ interests internationally. We support these efforts and hope that one day Belarusian authorities will take trilateral dialogue serious instead of considering it a necessary yet unwanted exercise.

While the state promises to “take care of the needs of ordinary citizens” and an inofficial “social contract” based on this promise has been in place for many years, it has failed to do so. The economic model is not sustainable and the authorities are not able to deliver on their promises. Moreover, the lack of democratic institutions that could ensure an institutionalized backing of social justice and the reality of severe repressions of critical voices make decisive steps forward within the current framework unrealistic.

Together with our partners we work on ideas and build capacities to make a more sustainable and at the same time just economic model for Belarus possible. We are convinced that Belarus needs economic reforms, but it also needs checks and balances to make sure that these reforms will not overlook the social justice factor.

News & Activities

12.07.2024 | Events

FES supported the organization of Belarusian panel discussions during one of the leading regional festivals of ideas, the Lampa Festival, which took…


21.06.2024 | Events

With the support of FES, a delegation of Belarusian trade union representatives participated in the ILO Round Table and the 112th International Labour…



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