
Who supports economic reforms in Belarus, and can their views change?

Lvovskiy, Lev; Bornukova, Katerina; Panasevich, Violeta

Who supports economic reforms in Belarus, and can their views change?

Kyiv, 2024

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Belarusian identity in 2023

Bikanau, Philipp; Nesterovich, Konstantin

Belarusian identity in 2023

A quantitative study
Kyiv, 2023

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Digital transformation trends in Belarusian democratic resistance

Rudnik, Alesia

Digital transformation trends in Belarusian democratic resistance

Narratives, perceptions, and reaction of the state
Kyiv, 2023

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Belarus change tracker

Belarus change tracker

March - May 2023
Kyiv, 2023

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Belarus change tracker

Belarus change tracker

December 2022 - February 2023
Kyiv, 2023

Download publication (840 KB, PDF-File)

The degradation of Belarusian foreign policy

Matsukevich, Pavel; Astapenia, Ryhor

The degradation of Belarusian foreign policy

A proposed course correction
Kyiv, 2022

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Relations between Belarus and China in 2020 - 2022

Yeliseyeu, Andrei; Aleszko-Lessels, Olga

Relations between Belarus and China in 2020 - 2022

What lies behind the 'all-weather partnership"
Kyiv, 2022

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Belarus change tracker

Belarus change tracker

September - November 2022
Kyiv, 2022

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Belarusian identity in 2022

Bikanau, Philipp

Belarusian identity in 2022

A quantitative study
Kyiv, 2022

Download publication (1,1 MB PDF-File)

Belarus change tracker

Belarus change tracker

June-August 2022
Kyiv, 2022

Download publication (530 KB PDF-File)

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