
Exploring Ukrainian-Belarusian Relations at the Ukrainian Central European Forum 2023

The Ukrainian Central European Forum (UCEF) continues to serve as a pivotal platform for engaging prominent thinkers and decision-makers across the region. Held on November 7th and 8th, 2023, in Lviv, the recent edition of UCEF, among other issues, focused on Ukrainian-Belarusian relations.

FES Belarus organized the forum’s panel titled “Belarus: an Integral Part of an Imminent Threat to CEE – Is Any Strategy in Place?” in collaboration with The Foreign Policy Council “Ukrainian Prism”.The panel featured Valery KAVALEUSKI, Representative for Foreign Affairs/Deputy Head of the United Transitional Cabinet of Belarus, Pavlo RAD, an Expert at the Foreign Policy Council “Ukrainian Prism”, Julia KAZDOBINA from the Ukrainian Foundation for Security Studies and Andrei KAZAKEVICH, Director of the Institute of Political Studies "The Political Sphere”".

About Ukrainian Central European Forum (UCEF):
The UCEF stands as a platform uniting visionaries and experts from diverse backgrounds, converging to identify common challenges and collectively envision a future for Central Europe.

A primary objective of the project is to bolster the potential of the Ukrainian Central European Forum by actively involving experts and decision-makers from V-4 countries. This supplementation augments the existing format by incorporating the development of an annual assessment of bilateral relations, aiming to enhance the depth and scope of these pivotal discussions.

The UCEF continually evolves as an essential forum for fostering dialogue and cooperation, delving into critical issues shaping the regional landscape. Through comprehensive engagements and the collaborative efforts of distinguished individuals, the forum endeavors to chart a path toward a more interconnected and prosperous Central European future.